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I know one way
how to make a happy day
drink a lot of water
don't do this hours later.

Liivika Mölder - 11-aastane

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I drink  a lot of tea
when I'm by the sea
But when I'm by a lake
I always eat a piece of cake

Martin Rõõs - 11-aastane

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On the beach there's golden sand
I was holding it in my hand
but the wind took it away from there
the sand flew away, but I didn't care

Jarmo Lõbu - 11-aastane

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 I drink some water every day,
It often rains in the middle of May
Then the clouds are in the sky
and early butterflies want to fly

Diana Jääger - 11-aastane

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There is a very big lake
my story is far from being fake
And there are some lovely fish
they end on a fancy dish

There are some water plants
between them all the animals dance
Lots of fishermen come here
some of them hope to hunt a bear

There aren't any monsters
So you can hear late night concerts

Arlii Kajandi - 12-aastane

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The Monster Kissed the Fish

The monster kissed the fish
before the fish was served on a dish
Jack Sparrow ate that fish
that was served on a big dish.

Rain Laanemets - 12-aastane

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Once there was a bee
he liked to pee in the sea
but then came a big storm
and someone blew the horn.

The storm went by
and the fish said "Hi!"
and then came a hen
now the fish wanted to pee again
 _ _ _ _

A lake had a monster
who had his own poster
the monster liked to swim
and sometimes it drank gin
 The monster went to bed
and his mother said:
"Sleep, my little shark!"
and then the room went dark.

Rasmus Rassmann - 12-aastane

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 Ocean's Tears

As the river flows
the sea sometimes glows
By the ocean
the secret potion
creates the waves
which swim into caves
As I sit by the stream,
where I always go to dream
I realize who really cares
about the ocean's tears.

Katarin Leppik - 14-aastane

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"Water, how did it get here?"
"How did it get there?
Okay, I will tell you the story.
Once there was a shorty
A short man, of course.
He was giving tours.
There was lava, grass and rocks
but not a single dock.
So he  took some even rocks
to build the very same dock."

Hans-Martty Gold - 14-aastane

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Once when I went by the river
I saw a very fat beaver
He was chewing a tree
and when he saw me
the beaver dived away from me

But the beaver was really fat
Fat as my big orange cat
when he came out
he started walking to south

Mark Makarov - 14-aastane

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Water is the spring of life
though life can be sharp as knife
Some people like to dream
by a beautiful stream

Autor teadmata

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EESTI: Kehtna Põhikool asub 1200 elanikuga keskuses. Meie lähedal pole suuri linnu, kuigi pealinn Tallinn on vaid 60 kilomeetri kaugusel põhjas. Meid ümbritsevad metsad, rabad, põllumaa ja seetõttu tähelepanu pööramine loodusõppele ja keskkonnale on meie jaoks oluline. Meie koolile on omistatud Roheline lipp ja tervistedendava kooli tiitel. Sel õppeaastal õpib 155 õpilast ja töötab 20 õpetajat. Õpilased on vanuses 7-17.

ITAALIA: Liceo Classico "Megara" con sezione scientifica annessa on keskkool 14-19-aastasele. Peamiselt pakutakse kolme erinevat suunda: klassikaline, loodusainete ja sotsiaalainete suund. Koolis õpivad peamiselt Augusta linna õpilased. Augusta on äärelinnaks lähedal asuvale Siracusale - üks vanimatest ja olulisematest Kreeka kolooniatest Sitsiilia saarel. Õpilased kuuluvad "Legambiente" programmi, mis on riiklik juhtiv keskonnaalane koolidele hariduslikke programme pakkuv organisatsioon. Augusta asub mere ääres, seal on palju veeteid, jõgesid ja tiike.

PRANTSUSMAA: College Claude Bernard asub Grand-Quevillys - 30 ooo elanikuga äärelinn. Lähedal asub 400 000 elanikuga Rouen. Piirkonnas on tänasel päeval vähe tööstust kuna suur keemiatehas ja Renault autodetehas on sealse tegevuse lõpetanud.

TÜRGI: Tepeköy Ilkögretim Okulu on riiklik kool, kus õpivad 7-15-aastased, alustades eelkoolist ja lõpetades 8.klassiga. Tegemist on maakooliga 226 õpilase ja 18 õpetajaga. Kool asub Nevsehiris (Cappadocia piirkond). Oluliseks majandusharuks on põllumajandus. Piirkonnas napib vett ja nad soovivad suurendada oma keskkonnasõbralikku suhtumist oma loodusvaradesse.

HISPAANIA: IES Concepcion Arenal on 70 000 elanikuga Ferroli linnas asuv kesk- ja ametikool. Ferrol paikneb Atlandi ookeani ääres maakonnas nimega Galicia, Loode-Hispaanias. Koolis on 85 õpetajat ja 700 õpilast põhihariduse osas (12-16-aastased), keskhariduse osas õpivad 16-18-aastased, lisaks veel ametit õppivad noored ja täiendkoolituses osalejad.